10 takeaways from “Getting the most out of Write Of Passage session”
I’m doing the Write of Passage course with David Perrell as a way to develop the public writing habit. Some of the most successful past students did a session on getting the most out of the course. Here are my 10 key take aways:
People: Meet a lot of people and find a tribe. Use chat extensively to talk to people 1:1.
Give: You get as much as you give to others and put in time to help others in their journey
Drive: Find what will keep you going when you don’t want to do it. Eg: public commitment, variety, avoid topics, write in batches
Perfection: No one cares about your bad stuff, people care about your good stuff.
Persistence: Find your inner Seth Godin, the smallest thing you can publish, a 3 line thought but do it.
Sharing Feedback: Focus on helping people communicate their message clearly. Be kind when doing it:
Receiving Feedback: you shall get what you ask for, be smart about getting feedback at different layers: idea, narrative, clarity etc
Perception: There are risks but more people will support you than you think. And there is anonymity if you prefer.
Habit: Establishing a cadence helps you build the habit. Don’t have to think IF you are writing, it’s about when you block time to do it.
Magic: serendipity magic happens if you keep at it!